
The MAtCH Program: Providing Startups with International Access

For many startups, foreign markets represent great opportunity paired with tremendous challenge. The chance to expand their business in new areas and gain attention on a global scale is promising, but logistical concerns make the process difficult. To better support startups’ access to new markets and mitigate these barriers, MassCEC launched the MAtCH program in partnership with the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, aimed at supporting early-stage companies as they explore business development in foreign markets. The program immerses Massachusetts and Swiss startups in new cultures while cultivating their business acumen.

The MAtCH program grants Swiss startups with up to three months of membership in Massachusetts incubators and Greentown Labs is proud (and excited!) to participate in the program. We’re working hard to expand our community and welcome more international startups and partners to foster a more global approach to solving the world’s biggest energy and environmental challenges. We are eager to accept Swiss startups into our community and connect them with our broad network of thought leaders and resources. Greentown Labs believes learning from and building relationships with international innovators will deepen the global clean energy economy and strengthen our work towards a sustainable future.

MAtCH participants will also receive travel grants to support housing and transportation needs, workshops designed to help companies master new environments, participation in networking events and assistance scheduling visits with R&D firms. The program enables startups to transition their businesses with the support of experienced professionals in the region.

MAtCH is a structured program that provides numerous benefits but startups are also encouraged to take advantage of the vast resources across the Massachusetts clean energy ecosystem. Participants who want to venture outside the program can look 
into MassChallenge and Cleantech Open Northeast acceleration programs which offer additional resources and can be extraordinary supplements to the MAtCH program. The program is just the tip of the iceberg for applicants who will have the opportunity to explore and discover thousands
of opportunities throughout the Massachusetts clean energy ecosystem.

The other half of the MAtCH program pairs Massachusetts startups with Swiss Incubators. Massachusetts startups will have all the same opportunities as Swiss participants. Massachusetts based firms are encouraged to participate in Impact Hub and Univercité, coworking spaces offering a wide variety of resources. For Massachusetts startups, MAtCH is a great way to become established in markets across Europe.

Startups are required to have a cleantech focus: renewable energy, energy conservation, storage and transmission of energy, alternative fuels, clean drinking water, wastewater management, waste management, and green infrastructure and many more are encouraged to join as long as they are dedicated to limiting the use of non-renewable energies. Due to the level of involvement required in the program, applications are limited to startups with a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of five or higher.

Startups interested in participating can find the application online at: www.masscec.com/MAtCH.

Good luck!